Miscellaneous Recent Cases Cases

Miscellaneous Recent Cases Lawyers - Success Stories

Below are some recent miscellaneous recent cases cases that have been handled by our office


Miscellaneous Recent Cases

Charges Withdrawn


Another former client, Mr. B hired our office to assist with new charges he had incurred. Mr. B. was employed as a sheriff under the Provincial regulations. His job entitled enforcing judicial orders and seizing property of debtors. The charges he had incurred all dealt with the offence of Impersonating a Police Officer. It was alleged that on multiple occasions throughout the city, our client had represented himself to others as an officer and had in fact brandished a prohibited handgun consistent with that of CPS officers. The matter was set for trial and hinged on statutory interpretation affiliated with the roles of an officer and the duties of a sheriff under the relevant regulations. Ultimately our office was successful and the charges were dismissed.


Miscellaneous Recent Cases

No Criminal Record


Mr. L. was an executive chef at a high-end Calgary restaurant. After a night at a local casino he took a taxi home. He was severely intoxicated and was unable to provide the driver with proper directions. An argument ensued and the client proceeded to berate him with racial slurs. After striking the cab driver our client exited the vehicle and refused to pay the fair. Crown counsel rightfully viewed this file as a hate crime. As the entirety of the transaction was captured on CCTV damage control was the priority. Mr. Wyman coordinated racial sensitivity training for the client as well as an alcohol addiction program. Following completion of the counselling efforts our office negotiated a very favorable resolution whereby our client received a conditional discharge and thus no criminal record for this unfortunate incident.


Miscellaneous Recent Cases

Charges Withdrawn


Our office was retained by J’s mother to defend him with respect to charges laid. J. was charged with distribution of Child Pornography as well as uttering threats. The family had never experienced Criminal Proceedings before and desperately sought guidance on the best manner to navigate things. The charges were undoubtedly serious and the prospect of a jail sentence always exist when dealing with offences of this sort. After reviewing the case, Mr. Wyman concluded a strong argument could be made that the search of the client’s phone was a violation of his Charter protected rights. The argument was a persuasive one and Mr. S. was able to avoid a criminal record with respect to these most serious charges.


Miscellaneous Recent Cases

Charges Withdrawn


Mr. P. contacted our office after being charged with the offence of Obstruction of Justice. N. was a semi-professional baseball player who went out with his teammates one evening following a game. N. overindulged and attempted to drive his car home. After crashing the vehicle, he called friends to the scene of the crash to push his car off an embankment that it was high centered on. When this did not work, he called 911 and reported that the car had been stolen. When officers arrived, they located the vehicle and confronted the client with respect to his assertions. After speaking with his friends, officers charged his with the offence. N. was a University student with no record. The family was a tight nit one who would do anything to assist their son. Mr. Wyman was able to negotiate a resolution whereby the client completed community service hours and have his charges withdrawn accordingly.


Miscellaneous Recent Cases

Charges Withdrawn


This client was referred to our office by a prominent Calgary lawyer. The client had and a longtime friend went out for a night on the town. After spending many hours drinking in a local bar they set out to walk home. Given their state of intoxication they made the unfortunate decision to begin smashing windshields on the cars parked along the road. Police were contacted and both were charged with 6 counts of mischief to property. Ultimately our officer was able to broker a deal whereby the clients were able to make restitution and complete community service hours. After providing the Crown proof of this the charges were withdrawn.


Miscellaneous Recent Cases

No Criminal Record


Mr. C. reached out to our office after he had been charged with disseminating intimate images. R. had recently separated from his wife of many years. When he found out that she was seeing dating a new fellow, he had a very difficult time with it. To dissuade this man from dating his ex he made the unfortunate decision to send him several nude photos of his ex. Charges resulted and jail was certainly a possibility. The consequences which flowed from a conviction were substantial as Mr. C. was management with a prominent Calgary corporation. As no defence existed our office worked with Crown counsel to formulate a plea deal. Not only did Mr. C. avoid jail time, he was also able to avoid receiving a criminal record for this indiscretion.