Can I be charged with impaired driving on a boat/atv/snowmobile/recreational vehicle?

Impaired driving on a boat-atv-snowmobile-recreational vehicle

Living in a winter climate such as Alberta means getting out of the house in the winter months. For some, that means heading out and making tracks on their snowmobiles. Getting together with some friends and having a few drinks first is also very common.

The laws in place for impaired driving either by drugs or alcohol apply to anyone operating a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or railway equipment. This would include boats, jet skis, ATVs, and snowmobiles. It also includes anyone who operates or assists in the operation of aircraft or railway equipment or who has the care or control of a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft or railway equipment whether it is in motion or not.

In driving or being in care and control of any recreational vehicle while impaired you are risking a criminal record, fines, possible jail time, and increases in your insurance premiums. Most important for some, you may be subjected to a driving suspension of not only recreational vehicles but also your car, which can have a drastic effect on your daily life and potentially employment.

Given the risks to your livelihood, it is important to speak with a criminal lawyer as soon as possible. Don’t let one bad day on your sled run the risk of ruining your financial livelihood.

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