Hiring a Criminal Defence Lawyer

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If you have recently been charged with a criminal offence, it is very important to make the right decision when hiring legal counsel. It is critical to work with a criminal defence lawyer who does not make false promises or guarantees with your case. Criminal law is a very competitive market and one must be aware of criminal lawyers who make exaggerated claims. The wrong decision can have a dramatic impact on the course of your legal case.

Wyman & Williamson are among the top Calgary Criminal Defence lawyers, with over 25 years’ experience successfully defending clients charged with a variety of offences. Choosing us means you receive the strong representation you need to present a solid defence in your case. Our firm offers a range of criminal defence in the following areas of law: Impaired Driving/DUI, Assault (aggravated assault, domestic assault, sexual assault, assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon), Drug Charges, Employee Theft (corporate theft and shoplifting), Fraud (bank fraud, business fraud, embezzlement, credit card fraud, tax evasion, identity fraud and Ponzi schemes), Homicide, Young Offenders and Computer Crime (cyber crimes and cyber security).

If you are facing charges, do not hesitate to contact our firm and schedule a consultation to learn more about your rights and options available. Our firm believes our clients come first and prides itself on the level of service we provide. Contact Wyman & Williamson today if you need help.

Blog posts from Wyman & Williamson are for general information only. The content should not be considered legal advice. If you are in need of professional legal advice, please Book a free 30-minute consultation.