Going to court can be intimidating. Knowing how to look when you appear is one less thing to worry about. What I tell my clients is to dress how you would if you were going to church or a job interview.
For a man, that might mean a pair of dress pants and a nice shirt, no ball caps, please. For a woman, a nice pair of pants or skirt and a nice shirt. If that isn’t in your wardrobe, that’s ok, just try to wear something neat and presentable. Being polite makes a better impression no matter what you wear, so be sure to use your manners when you are speaking to the judge or other members of the court.
Also, never show up to court intoxicated, or try to bring any sort of weapon or illegal substance. You will have to go through security immediately after entering the courthouse. If you have any other questions about your upcoming court appearance, please reach out.
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