Supreme Court ruling on lengthy trial delays : what’s the impact?

people standing in line

There has been considerable fallout from the Supreme Court of Canada’s R. v. Jordan decision on an accused person’s right to a trial within a reasonable amount of time. Prior to Jordan, there were no hard timelines for cases to be tried in court. In the Jordan decision, our Supreme Court imposed caps on when a case must be tried – Provincial Court matters should be heard within 18 months and Queen’s Bench trials are to be heard within 30 months.

Criminal lawyers have welcomed the decision, as it promotes the need for a speedy trial and has prompted government action. To address the public’s concern the Alberta government recently announced that 35 new prosecutors will be hired, existing vacancies will be filled and more support staff hired.

On the judiciary side of things, new judicial appointments are expected as the shortage of judges has also contributed in the delay to bring a matter to trial.

While these measures are a good step court delays have been and will continue to be a serious concern for both the accused and the victims of crime.

If you have been accused of a criminal offence your best defence is to hire a criminal lawyer who has experience in representing you in and out of the courts. At Batting, Wyman we have a track record of defending over 3000 criminal cases. Call us today to set up your first consultation.

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