What is Fraud?

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As lawyers, the two most common types of fraud we see can be found under the Canadian Criminal Code in section 380: Fraud under $5000 or Fraud over $5000.

Fraud, in simple terms is committed when a person acts dishonestly to deprive the public or any other person. This could be something as seemingly small as switching prices tags on an item at a store or writing a bad cheque or it could be a multi-million-dollar embezzlement scheme.

Fraud is not limited to just to matters involving money.  It can also relate to services, property or valuable security. The amount of money involved in the alleged fraud will decide what type of fraud charges you may face: The differences between the two types of fraud are vast; as are the penalties if you are found guilty, and when dealing with Fraud matters, the Courts consider harsh penalties as a deterrent to a crime that is often easy to commit, and many times involves a breach of trust.

In constructing a strong defence, an experienced lawyer will know that there are many factors and complicated points of law that a lawyer needs to consider; and mitigating factors that may affect the sentence imposed should you be found guilty. Having a lawyer who knows the right questions to ask can make an immeasurable difference in criminal matters.

At Batting Wyman, we will ask the right questions and put our knowledge, experience and confidence to work for you. Call today and book your free consult.

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