What is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month?


November is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This designation is designed to unite domestic violence victims. It is essential to remember that domestic violence affects millions of people; moreover, it’s not just women who are impacted. In fact, many men experience domestic violence too.

It’s an issue that spans every class, culture, faith, and ethnicity. In addition, domestic violence comes in many forms, which is why bringing attention to it is crucial. At Batting, Wyman, we are a team of domestic assault lawyers.

As such, we understand the difference awareness can make. Education on these sensitive issues goes a long way. Keep reading to learn more about National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Understanding Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month was started in 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. At the time, it was simply a day representing unity. But it rapidly developed into a whole week. The week was then followed by the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 1987.

Over the years, a few noteworthy points have been made concerning domestic violence. In 1994, the Violence Against Women Act was enacted. Senator Joe Biden led this Act, which is considered a milestone in our fight against domestic violence. The legislation was implemented to ensure victims obtained assistance and offenders were held responsible.

Significant measures have been taken worldwide to stop domestic violence, but a lot still needs to be done, which is the purpose of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Indications Of An Abusive Relationship

Many people don’t make the connection that they’re in an abusive relationship. But here are some indications you may be in such a relationship…

  • Your spouse physically or sexually abuses you. For example, if they ever force you to have intercourse with them, strike you, shove you, or push you, this is domestic abuse.
  • Your spouse threatens you or your family.
  • Your spouse belittles you and attacks your abilities, mental health, appearance, or intellect. Then, they accuse you of provoking their forceful outbursts.
  • Your spouse gets jealous. They may separate you from your friends or family, or they may accuse you of infidelity.
  • Your spouse is clingy or over-possessive. They might check in on you frequently and become enraged if you spend time with other people.
  • Your spouse has choked you, hit you, or beaten you.

Emotional Abuse

Acknowledging emotional abuse is important when speaking about Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This form of abuse is a larger issue than most realize. You may not have bruises on your skin, but that doesn’t mean no abuse occurred. Many women (and men) experience emotional abuse, and it isn’t any less devasting.

Emotional abusers attempt to undermine your feelings of autonomy and self-value. This process makes you feel as if you have nothing to offer without your abusive spouse or that escaping the relationship is impossible.

  • Forms of emotional abuse include:
  • Verbal abuse
  • Controlling behaviour
  • Isolation
  • Yelling and cursing
  • Belittling
  • Shaming
  • Name-calling
  • Intimidation

These abusers will often make threats of violence and other consequences if you don’t meet their unreasonable demands. The trauma this abuse creates can be long-lasting. You may think that physical abuse is worse, as it often results in physical wounds and hospital visits. But emotional abuse has the capacity to be just as harmful due to the psychological damage it can produce.

Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

You can observe and participate in Domestic Violence Awareness Month in many ways. One choice is to spread awareness about domestic violence, including the effect it has on individuals and how to notice the signs. This act can be done by simply posting on social media for your friends, relatives, and followers, or you can also plan an event.

Fundraising is another option: You can do a bake sale, a fun run, or a simple gathering of friends and family at your residence to host a cook-off or an evening of wine-tasting. You can raise awareness on the subject and encourage donations.

Taking a Stand Against Domestic Violence

Standing up against domestic violence is what sheds light on it. As a result, that additional awareness allows for a dialogue to form, which is the first step toward resolving the problem. If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic assault, don’t remain silent. Resources are available.

At Batting, Wyman, we are a team of Calgary criminal lawyers who can help. Contact us today for the legal assistance you need to help you through this challenging period.

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