Miscellaneous Recent Cases Cases

Miscellaneous Recent Cases Lawyers - Success Stories

Below are some recent miscellaneous recent cases cases that have been handled by our office


Miscellaneous Recent Cases

Charges Withdrawn


A senior lawyer in the city was charged with breaching a no-contact order with his then wife. The client had been referred to our office by other civil counsel. While the charge itself was relatively minor, the implications of a conviction were considerable given the client’s good standing with the law society. Mr. Wyman was successful in convincing Crown counsel that there was little public interest in this prosecution, thus resulting in the charges being withdrawn.


Miscellaneous Recent Cases

Favorable Resolution

R. v. E.D

The client was charged with flight from police/dangerous driving following an incident in an Alberta park. Officers attempted to stop the client’s vehicle when he accelerated, striking one of them with his vehicle. A police helicopter was then called in and an hour-long chase ensued. During the pursuit, the client drove through numerous stop signs and stop lights at speeds exceeding 90 km/hr over the speed limit. Police ultimately dispatched a spike belt which resulted in all of the tires being flattened. When he continued to drive on the flattened tires, officers rammed the vehicle into the ditch. As no defence existed, a contested sentencing was held in which the Crown sought a 15-month jail sentence. Mr. Wyman was successful in keeping the client from jail, instead convincing the learned Judge to impose a Conditional Sentence Order. This sentence permitted the client to retain his job and serve the sentence while in the community.